Jonatan Liljedahl

I’m a composer and performer of electroacoustic music, with influences from noise, minimal, drone and stochastic music. I’m interested in music and sound as a way of transcendence and self-knowledge. The process of synthesis is my main passion, exploring the aural results of algorithmic symmetry and chaos, in many ways connecting to the inner structures of nature.
I utilize homegrown software and hardware including modular synthesizers, feedback through various devices, algorithmic composition, and SuperCollider. I also work with live improvisation in ensemble or solo. Even though my main focus is on electronic music, I’ve also written some pieces for acoustic instruments, mostly pieces for specific musicians and instruments (Andrea Neumann, Axelsson Nilsson duo, KROCK). I’ve played electronics/supercollider in a duo with Daniel Karlsson, and in the ensemble World Domination with Mattias Petersson and Daniel Karlsson.
My music has been performed live and from fixed media on concerts in Sweden and abroad, in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Visby, Oslo, Riga, London and Berlin, on scenes like Fylkingen, Audiorama, Norbergfestivalen, Gothenburg Art Sound festival, SEKT, Raum-20, and on Swedish Radio and Radio Neu (Oslo). I’ve released the album “Even while the earth sleeps we travel beneath frozen rivers” together with Daniel Karlsson at Fylkingen Records 2008 in connection with Fylkingens 75-year anniversary, and a number of releases on small labels, for example the latest album Iridium on Jahr Null Aufnahmen, getting positive reviews in SvD 2011-02-01 by Magnus Nygren.
I studied composition for Per Mårtensson and Henrik Strindberg at the Gotland School of Composition in Visby (2004-2006), and electro-acoustic composition for Bill Brunson, Pär Lindgren and Mattias Petersson at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden.
NOTE: this list hasn’t been updated in a while…
- Played a live concert at Fylkingen 80-year jubilee, 29 november 2013.
- 8-channel pieces Polonium and Chromosphere played at Musik/Teater Museet during Fylkingen 80-year jubilee, november 2013.
- Played a concert at Sonic Festival, Copenhagen, 13 september 2013.
- Duo with Johan Arrias at Gerlesborgskolan, 16 mars 2013.
- Duo with Johan Arrias at Levande Musik, 3:e våningen, Gothenburg, 21st february. Also release of our new compact-disc SOLARIS, released on Jahr Null Aufnahmen. See review on
- My piece ÖVERTUN was played in Swedish Radio Elektroniskt i P2, 3 feb 2013. Also see video by Maja Fjällbäck:
- Mentioned in Bohuslänningen regarding my piece ÖVERTUN.
- I’m talking about beauty, music, math and universal patterns in Swedish Radio: Skönheten, part 2. Music by me and Daniel Karlsson.
Camera Obscura in Ockelbo by Konst & Landskap, music by me. 12 May - 12 Aug 2012
- My piece Sequences for Disklavier (2007) was played at the Disklavier concert at the Sound Of Stockholm festival, 21-22 november.
- The Opposing Power, consisting of World Domination (electronic trio) + 40F (flute quartet) live at Geiger festival, Gothenburg, 29 nov.
- Dissolve and my live set from Norberg 2012 was played at radio Neu, Norway. 7 Nov 2012.
- The Opposing Power, live at Härnösands folkhögskola, 24 Oct 2012.
- Mentioned in Norberg2012 review at RA magazine.
- Played a live set at Norberg festival (mimerlaven), with visuals by Maja Fjällbäck, 28 july 2012
- Held SuperCollider workshop at Norberg festival (8-channel room), 28 july 2012
- De Glömda Stjärnorna, shadowplay with music by me and Tove Lindström, performed during EARTH HOUR, Ockelbo. 31 march 2012.
- HIGHER played at festival De Geuvlestad Yeper, City of Wings, Belgium, 6-7 march 2012.
- Played PSFB, BITFLIP POINTERCOUNT and TGMX11114 live at PUSH festival, Gävle, 9 march 2012.
- HIGHER played at Subcase, circus showcase, Alby, Stockholm. 17 february 2012.
- Performed TGMX111114 and DRONE21 live at Fylkingen, 28 january 2012.
- Excerpt from HIGHER played at Dansmässan, Sickla, Stockholm, 27 january 2012.
- Played live set with World Domination (Jonatan Liljedahl, Daniel Karlsson, Mattias Petersson), and new piece for World Domination + Forty Fingers (flute quartet) at Fylkingen. 19 january 2012
- Composed all music for HIGHER, Circuspiece by Marie-Louise Masreliez. Played at teater reflexen, Kärrtorp, Stockholm. - 6,7,8 and 13,14,15 october 2011.
- Played parts of ‘Deuterium’ at KLUBB L’AMOUR, Fylkingen, Stockholm. 22 sept 2011.
- 8-channel piece Polonium played at Norberg festival, Audiorama Ars Acoustica, 8-bit room. 30 July 2011
- Peder Norrby’s video Rymden // Ode to Kymatica with music by me, selected for Punto y Raya Festival, Madrid. November 2011
- Performed PSFB, WARP RAGA and BITFLIP POINTERCOUNT live at the Volt festival, Uppsala, 11 june 2011
- Tape-piece Aisthesis II played at PUSH festival, Gävle, 9 April 2011
- Performed pieces ARCO and PSFB live at Fylkingen, Stockholm. 11 mar 2011
- 8-channel piece Polonium played at Audiorama, Stockholm. 25 feb 2011
- Live gig with World Domination at Geiger festival, Göteborg. 26 feb 2011
- Aisthesis trilogy played at Fylkingen Sleeping bag concert, part of Sound of Stockholm. 12 nov 2010
- 8-channel piece Polonium premiered at Audiorama, part of Sound of Stockholm, 13 nov 2010
- New album Iridium released on Jahr Null Aufnahmen. Releaseparty with live performances at Fylkingen, 30 nov 2010. The album was reviewed in SvD 1 feb 2011 and
- Live performance of LF10 at Ljusfesten, Fylkingen, 11 dec 2010
- UNDER DUBBEL HIMMEL, an audiovisual trilogy with video by Elvine Lund, music by Jonatan Liljedahl. Konsthall C, hökarängen, stockholm. 9 oct 2010
- Kymatica live at Volts elektrobusking, Grolsch Block Party, stockholm. 21 aug 2010
- Jonatan Liljedahl live at Sound Forest festival, old former Press house, riga. 9 sep 2010
- WORLD DOMINATION at Raum-20, sc2010, berlin. 25 sep 2010.
- Live performance of Aisthesis II in the radioshow Neu, Radio Nova, Oslo. 9 june 2010.
- Kymatica @ volt+norberg pre-party, riche, stockholm. 27 may 2010.
- Opening of exhibition of UNDER DUBBEL HIMMEL, audiovisual trilogy with video by Elvine Lund and music by Jonatan Liljedahl. Fylkingen, Stockholm, 26 may 2010.
- Kymatica live performance of electronic piece DK30 at UNEARTHINGS, Fylkingen, Stockholm, 22 may 2010.
- WORLD DOMINATION (Mattias Petersson, Daniel Karlsson, Jonatan Liljedahl) live at Gothenburg Art Sound festival, Nefertiti, 6 may 2010.
- Participated in supercollider livecoding concert at Linux Audio Conference, Utrecht, may 2010.
- Held lecture about my work and music, at the computer music course, KTH/SU. 21 apr 2010.
- Kymatica - cassette loops mp3-album released on itunes, spotify, emusic, and others.. 2010
- Aisthesis II and Dissolve played at Novi_sad’s concert at Fylkingen, 27 apr 2010
- Aisthesis II played at KTH R1 (the old nuclear reactor hall) as part of KMH’s concert at kulturnatt stockholm, 24 apr 2010
- My piece Headrooms was used as soundtrack in short film “der letzte Zug” (the last train) by Tobias Baumann, march 2010.
- World Domination (Jonatan Liljedahl, Daniel Karlsson, Mattias Petersson) live at club fylkingen, stockholm. 27 feb 2010
- Performed electronic pieces Voidstatic and Dissolve at Fylkingens headphone concert at Supermarket, kulturhuset, Stockholm. 20 feb 2010.
- Audio-visual interactive installation FYLOOP STATION at SuperMarket, stockholm. Concept by Johan Lindvall, coding and design by Jonatan Liljedahl.
- Dissolve at ELSVETS, Fylkingen, Stockholm. 20 feb 2010.
- World Domination live at fylkingen, stockholm. 17 dec 2009.
- My piece LF9 at Ljusfesten, Fylkingen, Stockholm. 12 dec 2009.
- Live electronics in duo with Daniel Karlsson and quartet with Erika Angell & Martin Öhman (The Moth) at fylkingen, stockholm. 9 dec 2009.
- Short film SIGHTSEEING by Ossian Eckerman and Maja Fjällbäck, Music by Jonatan Liljedahl, is shown as part of Riksutställningars ANIMATION INVASION travelling exhibition, Sweden. 18 sep 2009 - 18 oct 2010
- My song M10T03-Cutup1 was used as soundtrack in the video Le Shop by Sesse. October 2009.
- My piece Unfolding part of the headphone concert at Röhsska museum, ISCM World New Music days, Göteborg. 1-3 Oct 2009
- Kymatica at Cave de Roi, Stockholm. 7 Aug 2009
- Kymatica live solo at Norberg Festival, 31 July 2009
- Duo with Daniel Karlsson in Fylkingen showcase at Norberg Festival, 31 July 2009
- Duo with Daniel Karlsson to Stan Brakhage Dog Star Man (1961 - 1964) at Film och Musiksällskapet Göken, stockholm. 9 July, 2009
- Trio with Daniel Karlsson and Johan Lindvall at KRUTHUSET outdoor party, Stockholm 5 July 2009
- Jonatan Liljedahl graduation-concert, (Algo3, Unfolding, Alogia, 081109, Triad) at the old underground nuclear reactor hall R1 beneath KTH, stockholm. 13 May 2009.
- Played my piece Atonement at the sleeping bag concert at Fylkingen, Stockholm. 9 May 2009
- Held lecture about my work at the computer music course, KTH/SU. 6 may 2009.
- Duo with Henrik Olsson at Cafe Hängmattan, Stockholm. 24 Apr 2009
- Played my pieces Moiré, Unfolding, and Covarience at Mera Film & Musik at Bonden Bar, Stockholm. 14 apr 2009.
- dk_jl_duo (duo with Daniel Karlsson) at the International Noise Conference Euro Tour 2009, Fylkingen. 12 Apr 2009
- duo with Daniel Karlsson at Mother at Fylkingen, 2 apr 2009.
- twaisted semi improvisation - A dance performance with costumes by Iona Bergelin and music by Jonatan Liljedahl. At Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, France. 30 mar 2009.
- circuitbending of radio (DIY noise-instrument), workshop at Fylkingen. 2,3,4 march 2009.
- live performance of Bliss at Recursive Trinity, Fylkingen, 21 feb 2009.
- Iterations for live electronics and 3 electric guitars at Recursive Trinity, Fylkingen, 21 feb 2009.
- duo with Daniel Karlsson at Recursive Trinity, Fylkingen, 21 feb 2009.
- FYCD1032 reviewed on Vital Weekly, dec 2008.
- My piece Tones was part of Ergostatic concert with the live-electronics ensemble of the royal college of music in stockholm, 11 dec 2008.
- Live-electronics as guest with Elias Krantz at Ugglan, hornstulls strand, stockholm. 3 dec 2008.
- A second mourning of seasons by Jonatan Liljedahl & Daniel Karlsson was played in swedish radio P2 Monitor, 4 & 5 dec 2008.
- Jonatan Liljedahl & Daniel Karlsson - Even while the earth sleeps we travel beneath frozen rivers, FYCD1032 released on fylkingen records.
- live performance in duo with Daniel Karlsson for our release of FYCD1032 at Fylkingens 75-year anniversary, stockholm 30 nov 2008.
- A 4-channel mix of the second part of Unfolding was played in the Utsnitt installation at Fylkingens 75-year anniversary 22-30 nov 2008
- Sequencer for disklavier II for computer-controlled piano premiered at the royal college of music, Stockholm. 8 oct 2008
- PSYCCESS at the festival of emergent arts, Central school of speech and drama, London. 18, 19, 20 sept 2008
- PSYCCESS - contemporary circus show by Marie-Louise Masreliez. Composer: Jonatan Liljedahl. At Danshögskolan, Stockholm. 11 sept 2008
- Performed tape pieces Alogia, Unfolding and Spectral Stochastix in Mimerlaven, Norbergfestival, 25 July 2008.
- Performed as Kymatica with Hoodlum (Daniel Karlsson) in Camp303, Norbergfestival, 25 July 2008.
- Tape-piece Alogia for 4 channels, premiered at LJUD-O-LJUD festival at Fylkingen, Stockholm. 28 May 2008.
- Composed the music for SIGHTSEEING, a video work by Ossian Eckerman & Maja Fjällbäck. Premiered at Konsthall C, Hökarängen, Stockholm. 12 March 2008.
- Tape-piece Headrooms was played at the Sirén festival, Gothenburg. 14 March 2008.
- Composer and musician in PSYCCESS, a dance / contemporary circus show by Marie-Louise Masreliez, at Danshögskolan, Stockholm. 11 and 14 Feb 2008.
- Tape-piece Borderstates was premiered at the sleeping bag concert at Fylkingen, Stockholm. 9 Feb 2008.
- Live electronics with DKJL duo (me and Daniel Karlsson) at SEKT, Stockholm, 6 Feb 2008.
- Tape-piece Steelbowls was used in the soundtrack to Peter Larssons short film The people and the whale premiered at Göteborgs filmfestival, 27,29,30 jan 2008.
- Tape-piece Unfolding for 8 channels, performed at Ljusfesten, Fylkingen, 15 Dec 2007, Stockholm.
- Two short films by Marcus Nordgren with my music was shown at 9ème Festival des Cinémas Différents de Paris, dec 2007, arranged by Collectif Jeune Cinéma. The pieces was M24T01 in The lie that tells the truth and M24T06 in l.e.d..
- FerroCore (notated composition for inside piano), performed by Andrea Neumann at Nationalgalleriet. 4 Dec 2007, Stockholm.
- Live electronics in the Möglichkeiten adrians im klang ensemble, at the royal college of music, Dec 2007, Stockholm.
- Solo and duo (with Daniel Karlsson) live electronics at Mimerlaven at the Norberg festival, as part of EMS showcase. July 2007.
- Live electronics in duo with Daniel Karlsson, at Kafé Rotundan, June 2007, Halmstad.
- Tape-piece Effect Before Cause performed at Ljud o Ljud, Fylkingen, Stockholm. June 2007.
- Live-electronics with KammarelektronikeN at Ljud o Ljud, Fylkingen, Stockholm. June 2007.
- Live-electronics at Avant Gotlandica festival at Tapeten in Visby, Gotland. June 2007.
- Solo (Shape and current) and duo (Makeshift construct, with Daniel Karlsson) live electronics at Norberg MODUL, Fylkingen, Stockholm, may 2007.
- M26T02 released on Hockey Rawk #9 noise collection (green compact cassette), april 2007.
- Live-electronics with KammarelektronikeN (Jonatan Liljedahl, Daniel Karlsson, Magnus Bunnskog) at Rundgång, Malmö, april 2007.
- Live-electronics with KammarelektronikeN live at The Space Between at Tangopalatset, Malmö, april 2007.
- Live-electronics with KammarelektronikeN at the Royal Live Electronics concert at the royal college of music, Stockholm, March 2007.
- Sequences for Disklavier at MidiCosmos, concert for Disklavier (computer-controlled acoustic piano) at the royal college of music, Stockholm, 1 March 2007.
- Live-performance at noise festival O-tism in Visby, dec 2006
- Tape piece M24T01 at FORUM Återväxt, Stockholm, 2 dec 2006.
- Qualia (M29T03) in 8 channels, live-electronics at Fylkingen, 18 aug 2006. The event was arranged by Magnus Bunnskog
- Participation in the Ljudvågor festival, Visby 2006:
- Music for cimbalom & trombone, acoustic piece for Axelsson & Nilsson duo
- Twentyseven point five hertz, acoustic piece for Gotlands Jazz Trio
- M29T01, tape-piece based on additive synthesis and analogue feedback through DSP
- Interview and electronic piece M28T07 in the Swedish radio-program P2 Ström by Andreas Tilliander and others, 2006
- Arrangement and participation of quadraphonic speaker-consert 2 in Visby 2006
- Lecture at Gotlands Tonsättarskola about algorithmic composition and analogue synthesis, Visby 2005
- Participation in the Ljudvågor festival, Visby 2005:
- 3VC1CB, acoustic piece for three celli and one contrabass
- M24T01, tape-piece based on electric feedback, also with video-art by Marcus Nordgren
- Cymatics for XY-Scope, audio-visual installation based on composed sound-material visualized on an oscilloscope in X/Y-mode. See swedish article.
- Arrangement and participation of quadraphonic speaker-consert 1 in Visby 2005
- Live-electronics at halloween party at Folkuniversitetet, Visby 2004 and 2005.
- Interview and two electronic pieces in the Swedish radio-program P2 Mitt i musiken, 2004
- Live-electronic concert at the Norberg festival, 2004
- Live-electronics at Sync24, Kulturnatten in Gothenburg 2003
- Live-electronics at Diezel, Halmstad 2001
- Live-electronics at Kulturnatten, Halmstad sept 2000
- Live-electronics at Slottsmöllan, Halmstad june 2000